Construction Loans
A construction loan is a short-term loan to a developer for the purpose of acquisition, development, and construction of the property. These loans typically carry high risk because the value of a property might decrease if a project is not completed. Typically to account for these risks, borrowers have recourse loans where they have personal liability for a default.
Another way to mitigate risk is through a draw-down loan. A draw-down loan is where the lender releases finances periodically throughout the loan period when the developer has reached agreed upon checkpoints. For instance, release of a certain amount to acquire the property. Once property is acquired, release a certain amount to finance development. Then release more once zoning has been made, etc. Failure of the developer to meet one of these checkpoints will result in a default.
Permanent Loans
These are long-term loans usually between 10–30 years long. These loans are made after construction is completed and are designed to evaluate the potential level of success of a property. The developer gets paid by the development, who in turn uses that income to pay off the loan. A lender will then be required to evaluate the continued success of the management to ensure that the loan will not go into default.
Take-Out Arrangements and Three-Party Agreements
A take-out occurs when the developer has finished construction and rolls over the remaining balance on the construction loan into a permanent loan. That is, the permanent lender takes out the construction lender in the transaction by paying off the construction lender’s balance.
There are three types of take-out agreements:
- Locked in: Permanent lender has already committed to take over the construction loan.
- Stand-by: A developer hopes that there is no need for a permanent lender but has one ready to take over the construction loan if needed.
- Open-ended: There is no permanent lender ready to take over the construction loan and instead both the developer and the construction lender hope that a permanent lender will be available in the future.
The agreement that facilitates the relationship and obligations between the developer, construction lender, and permanent lender is a three-party agreement.
In other words, this whole process outlines how commercial financing occurs. Here is a step by step:
- Developer has an idea
- Developer acquires property through a loan or contract
- A permanent lender is secured (hopefully with ai lock-in commitment
- A construction lender is secured
- The parties execute a three-party agreement
- The developer closes on the construction loan and begins construction
- Construction is complete
- The permanent lender takes out the construction lender
- Income is produced from the project (either by sale or use) and the main focus is property management.
Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association v. Ormesa Geothermal
791 F. Supp. 401 (S.D.N.Y. 1991).
Ormesa is a developer a a geothermal plant and sought financing for the development. Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association (TIAA) was among those interested in providing the financing. Together, the parties determined a fix rate and it was custom not to adjust the rate once agreed upon. A few months after the agreement, the market interest rate went down. If Ormesa could have an interest rate at the new market price, then it would save over $1,000,000 a year. Finding that it would be cheaper to breach the contract and walk away to a new lender, Ormesa failed to negotiate with good faith. Still trying to find a way out of the contract, Ormesa said the agreement was not binding. This argument was refused by the court. Damages related to this breach is over $4,000,000.
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