Here is a brief overview of the things we did for law school orientation day 2.

  • Law School Foundations II
  • Rotations
    • Professionalism
    • Library Tour
    • Mental Health
  • Law School Foundations III

Professionalism and Managing Your Career Before Its Started

You should use the Career Development Office (CDO) to prepare for your career during law school. They can help with several factors, including:

  • Career Planning & Research
  • Resumes & Cover Letters
  • Networking
  • Interviewing

How to Network

Below are some tips that help you build a good network. It may help to thing of Connecting rather than being connected.

  • Quality over quantity
  • Be interested and engaged.
  • Prepare questions, elevator pitch.
  • Do your homework.
  • Practice
  • Follow up


Here are some things you can do to maintain a professional demeanor

  • Be professional on social media
  • Communicate clearly
  • Be reliable and punctual

There are also some soft skills you should focus on when developing professionalism. You should strengthen your emotional intelligence, cultural competence, grit, empathy, and other professional behavior.

Counseling Center

During law school you may feel many forms of stress. These may include: overwhelm, higher expectations, managing a school and life balance, etc. If you need any help, you should reach out to the counseling center.

Other than the counseling center, there are several things you can do to maintain some self-care

  • Stay Consistent – study at the same times, bring snacks, get proper sleep, etc.
  • Set boundaries – Say no to things if you can’t handle it.
  • Other forms of self care
    • Go for a walk
    • Talk with friends
    • Exercise
    • Journal
    • Relax


Use your resources!


The content contained in this article may contain inaccuracies and is not intended to reflect the opinions, views, beliefs, or practices of any academic professor or publication. Instead, this content is a reflection on the author’s understanding of the law and legal practices.

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