The World’s Most Difficult Constitution to Amend?

Richard Albert, The World’s Most Difficult Constitution to Amend?, 110 Cal. L. Rev. 2005 (2022).

Partisian parties, self-fullfilling prophesy, and the lack of using article V has led to one of the world’s most difficult constitution’s to amend. The author finds this premise distasteful, and wishes the Constitution was easier to amend. For instance, there have been over 12,000 proposals and only 27 have been adopted. The author’s opinion is that this is unacceptable.

My opinion? Imagine the chaos our country would be in if 12,000 amendments to the Constitution was adopted. Perhaps there should be some changes, but if we really expect partisian politics to allow any changes to happen, even on the statute level, why would we trust them to adjust the rights of millions of Americans who disagree on what those rights even are.

Will Laursen

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